Saturday, March 4, 2017

Term 2 Ends With a Parents Blast!

With Term 2 ending, the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy held Parent Days across Cairo! Involving the parents of our students is vital as the academic year moves along. With the aim of developing our students' confidence, self-esteem, performance & speaking skills, the involvement of parents in our classrooms is a massive catalyst to achieving that. 

All year, our teachers work with our students to develop a free-play zone where our students could feel comfortable to express themselves without pressure or limitations, as long the rules of the class are followed. This time of year, the students start to feel ready to have an audience attend classes. A presentation showing off the speaking skills, body awareness, improved confidence, and overall fun that the students have in class is given. Having the parents as an audience to watch a small performance is vital as Term 3 approaches. 

In Term 3, our classes start to rehearse for a play made suitable for the specific age groups with the emphasis of continuing our aims of developing the personality of our beloved students. Of course, the performance element of the play is given attention and we strive to show off the acting of our students, but our main goal is more about the improvement of the student during the course of child's time with the academy.     

Having a child leave our classes feeling accomplished and comfortable in their own skin is a massive honour as the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy will forever be committed to the betterment of our students. 

To sign up for Term 3, or to contact the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy for more information:

Sunday, January 29, 2017


As Term 2 continues, the atmosphere in our classes is one of excitement and happiness. It's that time of year where positive comfortability has reached a maximum level between teachers and students in all of our classes. As Parents Day approaches, preparations have been made for our wonderful students to showcase their  fantastic development. This step in their development is vital as we will ask our beloved students to perform for the first time in front of an audience this year. This will be huge, especially that after the term, the classes will be getting ready for the big stage.

The Goal of Expression 

The importance of expression amongst our students continues this term, as Teachers and Students work to create a free play-space. Our Drama classes ask our students to find a balance between reality and fiction. Through imagination and creativity, skills needed in every day life start to develop. Skills, such as, confidence, communication skills, critical thinking, the ability to analyse as well as many others can be taken in any field of life to strengthen a personality towards success. Having a voice is a massive step of accomplishment that will ultimately lead to many other accomplishments later on in our students' lives.